ReLISTO, Inc. California & San Francisco Allowable Rent Increase Calculator Terms and Conditions
California & San Francisco Allowable Rent Increase Calculator (the "Website") is a service made available by ReLISTO, Inc. ("Provider"). This Website mirrors the process we as a California real estate leasing brokerage utilize to raise rent on behalf of our landlords. This Website does not provide legal advice and Provider is not a law firm. The information, calculations, and data presented on this Site are not a substitute for legal, accounting, tax, real estate, or other professional advice. IF YOU ARE USING THIS INFORMATION TO REQUEST OR ISSUE A RENT INCREASE PLEASE INDEPENDENTLY CONFIRM THE GUIDELINES AND NOTICE(S) ARE APPROPRIATE FOR THE JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RENTAL PROPERTY IS LOCATED AND WHERE THE RENT INCREASE IS TO TAKE PLACE. WEBSITE IS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR RENT INCREASES ON CALIFORNIA PROPERTIES.
By clicking the "I Agree" button below, user agrees and understands that ReLISTO expressly disclaims all liability and responsibility to any user who relies, or partially relies, upon anything done or omitted to be done by this service and you also agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use and our Privacy Policy.