The start date is defined as either (1) The beginning of the tenancy, when the security deposit was initially paid, OR (2) The anniversary date, if interest has already been received.
The start date is defined as either (1) The beginning of the tenancy when security deposit was initially received, OR (2) The anniversary date, if you've already paid interest on the deposit.
The end date is defined as either (1) the last day you had possession of the premises, OR (2) The date you wish to have interest calculated to. Interest is only paid on security deposits held over one year.
The end date is either (1) The day which your resident(s) vacated the premises, OR (2) The date you wish to have interest calculated to. Interest is only paid on security deposits held over one year.
Enter the sum total of the security deposit paid to the Owner, Landlord or Property Manager when taking possession of the property. Contact the San Francisco Rent Board if you paid security deposit on multiple dates.
Enter the sum total of the security deposit received for the rental property when the tenant moved in. If security deposit collected on different dates, check with the San Francisco Rent Board to properly determine interest.