At ReLISTO, we understand the importance of pets for San Francisco’s residents. In fact, many of us have lovable pets of our own! Our commitment to providing pet-friendly rentals comes in three parts:
- Tenants: We help prospective tenants find pet-friendly rentals in San Francisco.
- Landlords: We work with owners to take advantage of this pet-friendly city! We have policies and guidelines that we implement to protect our owners and keep the property safe. These policies, in turn, also ensure the safety and satisfaction of pets, pet owners, and the community. Disclaimer: Though we encourage our landlords to list their properties as pet-friendly, sometimes it isn’t possible due to health risks or other concerns. If landlords prefer not to allow pets, we make sure these policies are clear in the listing and the lease agreement.
- Pets: ReLISTO is on a mission to not only find homes for humans but for dogs, too!
Keep reading to learn about our pet-friendly rentals, tips for living in a rental as a pet owner, and our volunteer work with Family Dog Rescue.
Pet Culture in San Francisco
Did you know that there are more dogs in San Francisco than children?
According to a report by Air Mail, San Francisco —the city named for the patron saint of animals— is extremely dog-friendly. Dogs are welcome nearly everywhere from onsite workplaces and rideshares to fashion shows and tech events. Many residents even declare their dogs as emotional-support animals to ensure they can tag along anywhere.
Air Mail goes on to mention, “the city’s demographic is skewing younger and richer, and people are staying single for longer, having fewer children, and procuring dogs.” Dog adoption is so high, that in 2019, the San Francisco S.P.C.A. experienced a shortage of rescue dogs!
It’s safe to say, for San Francisco residents, pets are very important family members.
Our Commitment to Offering Pet-Friendly Rentals in SF
As a rental agency that specializes in urban real estate, we encourage (but never force!) landlords to list their properties as pet-friendly. Why?
Let’s look at the metrics:
- The city’s estimated dog population ranges from 120,000 to 500,000. Compare that with only 115,000 children under 18 living in the city, according to KQED, a news media and educational organization serving Northern California!
- About 65% of San Francisco’s households rent their place of residence; a much higher share than the region overall (45%), according to the “San Francisco Housing Needs and Trends Report.”
- In 2010, there was a total of 222,165 rental properties in the city or roughly 65% of the total housing stock, according to the 2010 Bay Area Census.
- Based on the numbers above, we’ve estimated that roughly 35% of prospective tenants are pet owners in the Bay Area! Owners can increase the number of people interested in their property just by listing it as pet-friendly.
With numbers like these, pet-friendly listings are a huge plus! Our pet-friendly rental listings range from single detached homes with big yards to condos and apartments that are located near pet-friendly parks.
Check out our current pet-friendly rental properties.
Tips for Living with Pets in a Rental Property
To create harmony between tenants, pets, landlords, and our communities, we recommend following the tips below when living with a pet in a rental property:
Register Your Dog with the City:
Did you know that in San Francisco, dogs over the age of four months must, by law, be licensed? This law is largely unknown and seemingly unenforced, but landlords can require Dog Licensing in their lease agreement. This is also true for service dogs. As a pet owner, you can now register your dog online.
Disclose Your Pet:
To build a strong partnership between you and your landlord, make sure your landlord & rental agency are aware that you have a pet. It is important to disclose the breed, weight, and age of your pet to the landlord and rental agency so they can include it in the rental agreement.
Pay Any Required Pet Deposits or Pet Rent:
Landlords may require you to pay a fee to keep your pet in their rental property. Most commonly, this can come in the form of a refundable pet deposit or a monthly charge. These fees provide liability coverage in case there are damages and cover the extra wear-and-tear that comes with a pet living in a rental property, such as on hardwood floors and carpets.
Don’t Leave Pets Alone for Over 4-6 Hours:
Dogs that are left alone for long periods of time can grow anxious, which may lead to aggressive behavior. This rule of thumb helps to avoid damages and keeps your pet healthy and happy. There are many ways to ensure your dog has proper attention:
- Hire a dog walker, here are some recommendations:
- Get to know your neighbors or the people in a nearby dog park! Many people are willing to share dog-walking responsibilities.
- Ask your workplace about their pet-friendly policies. Many tech companies in SF allow you to bring your dog to work! Take a look at this list of Dog-Friendly companies in SF.
Clean Up After Your Pet:
Pets love to play, that’s what makes them so fun! However, when outside they also poop and pee. Many owners clean things up right away but some do not. This is problematic in community/shared housing, such as apartments and condos. As such, we put some “pooper scooper” rules into our contract to protect our owners and other residents. One of these rules is an agreement to a Dog DNA test. In the case that an owner is leaving excrement in public areas and not admitting to doing so, DNA testing is authorized. This isn’t anyone’s first choice, but it allows rule-abiding tenants to live in a clean space.
Report Accidents Right Away:
Inform the rental agency or property managers of your rental right away when damages happen. This can help clear up any confusion about liability and develop trust with your rental agency and landlord.
ReLISTO’s Mission to Find Homes for Dogs
In addition to finding housing for people, ReLISTO co-founders, Eric Baird and Jackie Tom, are also committed to finding housing for pets in San Francisco!
They volunteer with Family Dog Rescue, a local San Francisco 501c3 dog rescue organization dedicated to bringing people and pets together. Learn more about their mission here.

Currently, ReLISTO’s co-founders are fostering Rambo (we call him Ralph, which better suits his gentle personality), a 10-year old German Shepherd who is looking for his forever family! Read what Eric & Jackie have to say about Rambo!
Contact Us
Tenants: Take a look at our pet-friendly listings or contact Family Dog Rescue to adopt a lovable pet of your own.
Landlords: If you are a landlord who is concerned about taking pets. We are happy to help, email us
Have questions for ReLISTO or want more one-on-one support? Contact us. We are passionate about finding humans AND pets a happy home!