Van Ness Ave Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Van Ness Ave Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

About 25 individuals attended  November 30th 2011 Van Ness Avenue Bus Rapid Transit  public hearing appropriately held on Van Ness Ave at the Holiday Inn.  Numerous posters were displayed, highlighting some of the projects  key features, with a staff member attending each to answer  questions.  In addition a presentation was given along with a slide show

Depending on the version adopted, individuals traveling along the Van Ness Ave corridor will see travel times change.  The most aggressive design, Alternative 3 Variation B would result in more parking, and a quicker commute for cars and buses.  Figure 3.2.8 from the San Francisco Transportation Authority EIS/EIR report shows in detail what  projected efficiencies would be achieved  with each alternative compared to 2007 baseline measures.

ReLISTO as a leader in San Francisco real estate leasing and rental market for commercial properties, apartments, lofts and homes, appreciates the benefits BRT will bring to San Francisco Landlords and Tenant with regards to both value and  affordability.  We frequently encounter situations that a prospective tenant will avoid certain areas of the city due to a long commute time over a mere one or two miles.  Traffic improvements will increase ones ability to zip across the city and make hard  to reach districts  of the city   such as the Richmond , Sea Cliff, Presideo and the Marina much more accessible.

Public comments are now being accepted for the proposed Bus Rapid Transit project on Van Ness Avenue.  Below you can find the links to key reports on the project and the address to contact via email the Transit Authority to leave your public comment..

  1. Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit Home:
  2. To leave your official public comment with the Transit Authority:,view/contact_id,22      If you would like to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report, please put “Draft EIS/EIR Comment” in the message subject box, then enter your comments in the space provided
  3. The complete EIS/EIR report for Van Ness BRT
  4. Link to EIS/EIR report segmented into smaller sections:  See Download the EIS/EIR